Science is Facts

Science Creation

What is Science?
The word science comes from the Latin "scientia,"
meaning knowledge.
How do we define science?
According to Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary,
the definition of science is
"knowledge attained through study or practice,"
or "knowledge covering general truths of the operation of general laws,
as obtained and tested through scientific method,and
concerned with the physical world.(facts)

" What does that really mean?
"Science is based on facts;Evolution is not fact"
Science refers to a system of acquiring knowledge.
This system uses observation,and experimentation
to describe,and explain natural phenomena.
The term science also refers to the organized
body of knowledge;
Less formally, the word science often describes
any systematic field of study or the knowledge gained from it.
What is the purpose of science?
Perhaps the most general description is that;
science is to produce useful models of reality.
To the literary person the question may seem merely silly.

The humanist is taught that science is a
large collection of facts and if this is true,
then the only scientists need do is to see the facts.

Historian tell us that science is a collection of facts.
Evolution is not a fact but a theory."IT CAN NOT BE PROVEN"
Creation is also a theory, that can be proved with science,
or seen in the bible,(word of God)
I am Glad to say;
"your, great, great, great,Parents Were NOT Apes."

Two of the biggest weaknesses of evolutionary theory are:
1.There is no adequate explanation for the
origin of life from dead chemicals.
Even the simplest life form is tremendously complex.
2.The fossil record,are our only documentation of
whether evolution actually occurred in the past,
lacks any transitional forms,and all types appear
fully-formed when first present.

The evidence that "pre-men"(ape-men)
existed is dubious at best.
So called pre-man fossils turn out to be those of apes,
extinct apes, fully man, or historical frauds.

When God made the Heavens,and the Earth,
He made time, and the appearance of time;

What came first,
the chicken or the egg?
The chicken;With the egg'

Plants and trees were already giving there fruit.
(Seeds were starting to grow; at the same time
seeds were falling from full grown trees.)

Man was made as an adult,
But He was only a few seconds old.
Things would of looked older then they where:
Noah's flood:
Water covered the whole Earth.
I can use science to prove that water did cover the whole Earth.
God made mature Plants, Trees, Animals, Fish,
and everything that is and was alive.
God did make dinosaurs!

Check Out This Web Site:

Institute for Biblical Scientific Studies:

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